1946 Documents

Three UFO "triangles" with associated EM effects - 1946

Case xxx: - Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) - Sweden

            Three triangles with EM effects

            Time: July 12, 1946, 22.00 (evening)
                    Place: Usta near Stora Mellösa (CB47)

This case was investigated, and a detailed report written, by Carl Bergh, a local policeman:

"On Monday July 15, 1946, I learned, through an article in Nerikes Allehanda, about a light phenomenon seen at Usta, Stora Mellösa.  I phoned a local telephone owner to learn about who had seen this phenomenon.  I was informed that a certain Mrs. Inga Eriksson, Usta, Stora Mellösa, was the witness of the incident.

"Mrs. Syster Inga Eriksson, born on Dec 23, 1912, living in Malingsbo, Usta in the Stora Mellösa parish...has been interviewed regarding her sightings and has stated the following.

"On Friday, July 12, 1946, at about 22.00 hours, Mrs. Eriksson was in her garden, some 125 meters east of the Usta school building and about 135 south of "a" in "Lövsta", on the map.  She suddenly heard a sharp, sizzling sound in the air, whereupon she looked up and saw three silvery triangular objects, travelling from the east to the west.  The duration of the sighting Mrs. Eriksson estimates at about 2 seconds. No streak of smoke could be seen.  Mrs Eriksson was not able to estimate the approximate distance to the objects.  The phenomenon was seen in an easterly direction, or along a line over "a" in Väla, "a" in Ånkersta and "T" in Täby, on the map.

"The angle of height and course could not be stated by Mrs Eriksson, but the the objects moved horisontally, not in a "zick-zack" fashion.  There were no detonations or rumbling noises from the phenomenon.  Mrs. Eriksson compares the sound to the rocket-plane she has seen recently in Örebro.  (Note: DeHavilland Vampire jets from the Air Force).

"At the same time as Mrs. Eriksson saw the objects her mother had come out on the doorsteps saying that the electrical light had gone out and an electrical clock had stopped.  Because Mrs. Eriksson's husband is an electrician he owns an electrical clock to pinpoint the time when a failure has occurred on the electrical circuits.  The light went on immediately after it had gone out.  It can be surmised that disturbances occurred as the phenomenon passed over the electrical powerlines.

"Electrician Ragnar Barret, Odensbacken, who lives about 1 km from the witness and who owns a similar clock, states that his clock did not register any disturbances at the time of the observation.  Whether lights had gone out in surrounding buildings has not been possible to find out since no lights had been on at this late hour of the day.

"Mrs Eriksson describes the objects as three triangles flying in line formation, each triangle about 80 cm long and about 50 cm wide with a dark area of about 20 cm between each triangle.

So far no other witness of the objects has been possible to locate."

Note: The area is a very densely populated part of the flat land in the province of Närke.

Status: Unidentified.

Source: Police report dated July 17, 1946, in Defence files. ScanCat 1248.

View the original Case files at AFU -Sweden.

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