October 31, 1968

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The Honorable Harold Brown
Secretary of the Air Force
The Pentagon
Washington, D. C.

Dear Dr. Brown:

Pursuant to Contract No. F44620-67-C-0035 between the United States Air Force and the University of Colorado, I transmit herewith the final report of the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects.

As you know, the University undertook this study at the urging of the Air Force, not only for its purely scientific aspects, but in order that there might be no question that any of the matters reported herein reflect anything other than strict attention to the discovery and disclosure of the facts. I want to take this occasion to assure you that, under the direction of Dr. Edward U. Condon, the study has been made and the report prepared with this thought constantly in mind. The Air Force has been most cooperative, both in respect to furnishing the project with all information in its possession bearing upon the subject matter of the investigation and, equally important, in pursuing most scrupulously a policy of complete noninterference with the work of Dr. Condon and his staff. There has never been the slightest suggestion of any effort on the part of the Air Force to influence either the conduct of the investigation or the content of this report.


The Honorable Harold Brown October 31, 1968

Page 2.

As a consequence of this cooperation and of a diligent effort on the part of scientists at this University, at the Environmental Science Services Administration, at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and at other universities and scientific institutions, the report transmitted to you herewith is, I believe, as thorough as the time and funds allotted for the purpose could possibly permit.

We hope and believe that it will have the effect of placing the controversy as to the nature of unidentified flying objects in a proper scientific perspective. We also trust that it will stimulate scientific research along lines that may yield important new knowledge.

Sincerely yours,
J. R. Smiley


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